Immerse Yourself in an Unarthodox Fashion

This Isn’t Your Typical Art Studio Franchise

Wow guests from the moment they enter your space.

The Unarthodox creative space is a mood. It transcends. It’s a place that unleashes creativity (even in those who never thought they had any) by way of light and motion, joy and human interaction. What you will offer your guests is an experience they never knew existed, won’t soon forget, and will want to return to.


A catalog of events and experiences.

The ingenious adaptability of our business model has created unique experiences in even the most extraordinary of circumstances. Each special art experience we have developed can either private or public, available for teambuilding in a corporate environment, for hosting a private celebration or for a public event, including catering and wine packages, for a perfectly eclectic night out. Your talented hosts can also offer virtual events to meet consumer demand – so no one has to miss out on the Unarthodox experience.

Your exciting line up of Unarthodox experiences include:


Sculpture Without Sight – your guests begin with brief instruction of clay handling, and then creative clay sculpture – blindfolded!
The process is not about the finished product, but about the process of guests feeling their way through a mental image. It is not about the finish product but all about exploring your sense of touch.

Picture This – Guests utilize paint, markers, clay, charcoal, pencils, random objects, body movement, and theatrical improvisation to communicate secret words!

Paint & Sip – A sophisticated, immersive painting experience with use of lighting, music and scent, all coordinated by a color theorist to lead guests through their painting experience.

Intuitive Art – Manipulate the creative space of your guests with a 270-degree projection of two distinct films using various visuals and specifically selected music. Each of the two environments are designed to evoke different moods and emotions, to be translated to each guest’s canvas from the space around them.

Improv Land -- Your instructors will design interactive improv games specifically for a team that begin with fun, ice-breaker games and transition into storytelling and collaboration exercises.

Mural - A group mural painting experience, where hosts and paint instructors guide you through the basics of painting. Let the instructor guide you as you create a piece of a bigger painting. Add your own colors and flair, make it your own. In the end, we will combine all of the paintings to create the final mural.


Unarthodox locations are sleek, chic and inspired.

Your Unarthodox space will consist of at least 1000 square feet of uniquely designed, flexible event space, in keeping with our brand style. Bring the creative vibe of NYC into your own venue, complete with required lobby, office, and open art space – following our carefully honed design and layout specifications.


Our business model is an exciting alternative to the typical art studio franchise opportunity. You will enjoy the abundantly joyful and meaningful reactions of your guests with every an Unarthodox experience. Follow our model and together, we can grow your Unarthodox business and help you sculpt the professional future you desire.